by rexmb | Dec 22, 2020 | BMI – Body Mass Index, Liposuction, Plastic Surgery, Procedure, Tummy Tuck, Weight Loss
It has taken you months or even years of sweat and tears to reach your goal size and weight. You can pat yourself on the back for a job well done. Whether it’s been through diet change, exercise, or weight loss surgery, losing weight is the result of transitioning to...
by rexmb | Oct 14, 2020 | Breast Surgery, Facelift, Plastic Surgery, Rhinoplasty, Tummy Tuck
As with each season, fall has its specific benefits for having cosmetic procedures. Optimal weather, kids back at school, holidays, and no more bathing suits are all prime reasons for taking advantage of fall for plastic surgery. A cosmetic procedure is also more...
by rexmb | Sep 12, 2019 | Tummy Tuck
The tummy tuck, which is also called an abdominoplasty, is a process of removing excess or accumulated fat around the abdomen. And at the same time, it tightens the walls of the abdominal muscles in order to remove sagging tummy skin. As a result, it helps patients to...
by rexmb | Apr 20, 2016 | Tummy Tuck
Tummy tuck surgery isn’t just good for helping people lose weight. The cells from the fat can be used for other purposes as well. Consider a recent article for the Times of India titled “Fat from tummy tuck surgeries to save lives.” Pushpa Narayan of the Times of...
by rexmb | Feb 10, 2016 | Plastic Surgery, Tummy Tuck
Shaming people for getting tummy tuck procedures is an unfortunately prevalent aspect of society. GQ takes a look at this in a recent article titled “WHY IT’S OK TO HAVE A TUMMY TUCK.” Matt Jones of GQ writes, “‘You’re more of a three-month project,’ said my personal...
by rexmb | Dec 23, 2015 | Liposuction, Plastic Surgery, Tummy Tuck, Weight Loss
In many cases, rapid weight loss or plastic surgery can be necessary for people to avoid serious health complications. If this applies to you, the question becomes, what procedure do you need? Some wonder whether they would be best served with a tummy tuck or...