Mommy Make Over
Mommy Make Over
After child birth there may be many changes to the body which can be irreversible despite diet and exercise. Some of these changes are genetic, some are related to weight gain with subsequent weight loss, and others may be as a result of prolonged breast feeding or persistent weight gain.
The goal is restoration to the pre-pregnant body form. In reality, this improvement can be made, but often surgery is required.
In relationship to the breast , this means either a breast augmentation with implants or a breast lift and in many cases both. With regard to the abdomen, this often requires a mini-tummy tuck or full tummy tuck. Both usually require corseting of the abdominal muscles, specifically the rectus abdominus muscles should be brought back to the midline and with liposuction to the flanks to restore a narrowed waist and flattening of the front of the waist.
Both breast and tummy surgeries can be performed at the same time, usually taking about 4 ½ to 5 hours of operating room time. The way to make these a safe and comfortable surgeries to perform simultaneously is to have a nurse, who is arranged by our office, to pick you up from the out-patient surgery center and take you home, stay with you overnight for up to 24 hours, during which time you and your family will be trained in optimal post op care, see surgical care on our website for details. This also involves the use of a surgical bed, a local anesthetic pain pump and for the breasts the use of a 4 day long acting local anesthetic, all with the purpose of early mobilization, minimal use of oral pain medications and to facilitate deep breathing without pain on effort.

To find out more about available treatments and procedures, request a consultation with Dr. Moulton-Barrett at one of his Bay Area offices. Board certified plastic surgeon Rex Moulton-Barrett, M.D., offers advanced care and procedures for Bay Area residents. He has offices in Alameda and Brentwood, CA.
Our Clinics
Alameda Clinic
2070 Clinton Ave
Fourth Floor
Alameda, CA 94501
Phone (510) 864-1800
Brentwood Clinic
1280 Central Blvd
Suite J-5
Brentwood, CA 94513
Phone (925) 240-8775
Alameda Location
2070 Clinton Ave, Alameda, CA 94501
Brentwood Location