Recently, a Castle Rock teen suffered serious burns after an exploding vaporizer accident. FOX 31 takes a look at this incident in a recent article titled “Castle Rock teen suffers serious burns after vaporizer battery explodes in pocket.”
Macradee Aegerter of FOX 31 writes, “A father and his teenage son are issuing a strong warning to others after 17-year old Marcus Forzani suffered second- and third-degree burns when a vaporizer batter exploded in his pocket. ‘You don`t want to be in these shoes of where my son is. It’s a painful and long process. Do not flirt with it,’ the teen’s father, Michael Forzani, said. Lying in a hospital bed, Marcus is doing his best to remain positive. ‘Seeing your whole leg pussed out and all black, it doesn’t make you feel too good about yourself,’ he said. Covered in bandages, Marcus is recovering from second- and third-degree burns to his left leg and hand. ‘The whole left side of my thigh to about halfway down my calf,’ he said. On Thursday, Marcus’ leg was charred black and blistering over after he said a vaporizer battery exploded in his pocket while at school. ‘Bell rang, stood up to get my jacket, which was on the other side of the classroom, five steps within that sparks started flying out of my pocket,’ Marcus said of the accident. ‘It literally looked like someone was welding in my pocket.’ Taken to the Burn and Reconstruction Center of Colorado at Swedish Medical Center to recover, Marcus is not alone in his injuries, plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Tanya Oswald said. ‘These injuries can be devastating. He sustained full thickness burn injuries. … In the past six months, we’ve seen an increase in the number of burn patients as well as dramatic injury patients in relation to electronic cigarettes and battery-operated vapor devices,’ Oswald said. This is information Forzani said people, and specifically teenagers, need to know. ‘You see these kids and you’re going, there’s a ticking time bomb. Is that one going to blow up? Is that one going to catch this kid on fire? You don`t know,’ he said.”
If you are considering burn reconstruction surgery, you need a surgeon you can trust. Rex E. Moulton-Barrett, M.D. is internationally known and acknowledged. He is board certified with The American Board of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and The American Board of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery.
Dr. Moulton-Barrett offers a variety of burn reconstruction surgery options. These options include skin grafts, microsurgery, free flap procedures, and tissue expansion.
For more information, contact us for a consultation.