Whether it’s Serena Williams, Cameron Diaz, or even the First Lady Michelle Obama, it’s clear that the nation is putting more of a focus on healthy arms. According to Eugene, Oregon’s KVAL, surgeons have data to back up the notion that arms are the “in thing” right now. KVAL’s Ty Steele explores this in an article titled “Arm lift surgery on the rise: ‘Toned arms are very in.’”
Steele writes, “The American Society of Plastic Surgeons released new statistics that show upper arm lifts in women have increased 4,378 percent in the last decade, and a Eugene plastic surgeon said he has noticed the trend in his practice. “In less than three weeks I have operated on three different patients with that exact same issue,” said plastic surgeon Dr. Lee Daniel at his office off Country Club Rd. in Eugene on Monday. “And many times it is indeed people that have lost a lot of weight, but that’s a hard spot to take care of on your own, even with diet and exercise.” In the year 2000, more than 300 women got upper arm lift surgery, according to the ASPS. In 2012, the group said more than 15,000 got upper arm lifts. Daniel said upper arm lifts can include liposuction or a surgical procedure known as brachioplasty.”
According to the Daily Mail, Jennifer Aniston strongly considered brachioplasty. The Daily Mail’s Bianca London reports on this in a recent article titled “Jennifer Aniston’s plans for ‘batwing lift’ to beat folds of skin around her armpits (and she even battles with her iconic hair too!).” London writes, “A source told Grazia’s Joe Stone: ‘Jen seems really bothered about the folds of skin around her armpits. She’s put on a bit of weight for her latest role in Cake and apparently feels self-conscious wearing sleeveless tops.’” London goes on to consult a doctor who performs brachioplasty who tells her, “Despite a regimented fitness regime and healthy diet, it’s not unusual to develop excess skin and fatty tissue on the upper arms as with age, and in some cases rapid weight loss, skin loses vital elasticity that keeps the arms taut and toned.”
If you’re considering brachioplasty, you need a surgeon you can trust. Rex Moulton-Barrett, M.D. is internationally known and holds the rare distinction of being board certified in two distinct surgical specialties, The American Board of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and The American Board of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery.
Dr. Moulton-Barrett performs brachioplasty surgeries that will get rid of sagging skin and excess fat tissue on the upper arm. The procedure will tone, reshape, and enhance the appearance of arms that have an undesirable appearance due to dramatic weight loss or aging. The results Dr.Moulton-Barrett provides cannot be achieved without surgical intervention. It is typically an outpatient procedure.
As an easy way to achieve a more youthful appearance without undergoing a highly invasive procedure, brachioplasty might be right for you. Contact Dr. Moulton-Barrett for a consultation.