Many people try to shame others for getting liposuction. However, the results speak for themselves. Consider a recent article for KSL titled “Good riddance, love handles: Why fat doesn’t return after liposuction.”
Natalie Dicou of KSL writes, “Some families seem cursed with ‘thunder thighs.’ For others, it’s generation after generation of big bellies. Megan noticed her family tree’s problem area before she was even a teenager: prominent flanks. ‘On my dad’s side, that’s what all our bodies are like,’ Megan said of her family’s predisposition for gaining weight in the ‘love handles.’ Even though Megan was active in dance, no amount of cardio or healthy eating would make her conspicuous flanks disappear. ‘It just wasn’t happening,’ said Megan, who learned she was an ideal candidate for liposuction because she maintains a healthy weight and because she has firm, elastic skin. ‘There’s a misconception that liposuction is for losing weight,’ said Cori Agarwal, M.D., a plastic surgeon at University of Utah Health Care. ‘The time to do liposuction is when you’re at or near your goal weight and you want to get rid of those trouble spots that continue to hold fat just for genetic reasons.’ Ah yes, genetics. Megan knows all about that. After a frustrating battle with her inherited strongholds of fat, Megan decided to undergo liposuction in July. The flanks and abdomen in both men and women, along with the upper inner and outer thighs in women, are among the best-responding areas when it comes to liposuction, Agarwal said. Compared to plastic surgeries that require long incisions and postoperative muscle pain — tummy tucks, for example — liposuction is far less invasive. Agarwal starts by making a small incision, about half a centimeter long. In Megan’s case, three incisions were made along the bikini line so they won’t be visible at the beach. Agarwal then injects fluid into the fat cells. The fluid serves as an anesthetic, controls bleeding and makes the fat easier to suction. After sucking out the fat and fluid, the incision is closed and the patient is placed in a compression garment, which is like a girdle that is worn for 3-6 weeks.”
If you’re considering liposuction, you need a surgeon you can count on. Rex E. Moulton Barrett, M.D. is internationally known and acknowledged. He is board certified with The American Board of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and The American Board of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery.
Dr. Moulton-Barrett offers a variety of liposuction options, including Laser Assisted Lipo, Tumescent Lipo, and Ultrasound Assisted Lipo. Contact us for a consultation to find out what option is best for you.